Frequently asked questions

Everything you need to know about EPR regulations in Europe.

FAQ feature PRO

PRO, Producer Responsibility Organisation

What is a Producer Responsibility Organisation (PRO)?

A Producer Responsibility Organisation (PRO) is a professional organisation that takes over the responsibilities of an obligated party subject to Extended Producer Responsibility (EPR). The PRO manages the collection and ...

FAQ feature EPR

Categories, Products

Which products are subject to EPR requirements?

There are different regulations in each country. The following list contains an overview of the main categories of products in the scope of EPR obligations regardless of specific country regulations. ...

FAQ feature EPR

EPR, Extended Producer Responsibility

What is EPR?

Extended Producer Responsibility (EPR) is an environmental policy, that obligates the party first introducing a product subject to EPR requirements to a market of the respective country, to take responsibility ...

FAQ feature EPR Compliance

E-Commerce, Marketplaces

Why is it important to be EPR compliant?

In France and in Germany starting in 2022, Electronic Marketplaces like Amazon, AliExpress, Ebay, Zalando and others will be legally obliged to confirm that their sellers are EPR compliant in ...

FAQ feature EPR Compliance

Compliance, EPR

How to be EPR compliant?

If you are a Producer of products in the scope of EPR requirements, you need to follow these high-level instructions to be EPR compliant. Please bear in mind that there ...

FAQ feature Producer

Manufacturer, Seller

Who is a producer?

The party who first places a product subject to EPR requirements in a country. A party can be considered to be a Producer if any of the following criteria applies: ...